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Asyncdata & Fetch
  1. actions- getPosts: As you can see that, once again, we're accessing $axiosClient to get post data. By adding async-await, we can be sure that setCurrentUserPosts will have the response data before committing the mutation.

  2. mutation- setCurrentUserPosts: This is where we set the state variable to hold all posts we just fetched using getPosts action.

Alternatively, you can write getPosts action using async/await.

async getPosts ({ commit }, userId) {

  let { data } = await this.$axiosClient.getData('/posts?userId=' + userId)
  commit('setCurrentUserPosts', data)

When you access dynamic route after implemeting fetch, if everything went well, you should see that the Vuex store is now filled with the posts for active user.

And the console message from fetch hook is seen to be called in terminal as well.

Image goes here

Difference between fetch and nuxtServerInit

fetch() may seem similar to nuxtServerInit(), but the key difference between the two is, that fetch() is called on particular page component where it defined, while the data extracted by nuxtServerInit() will be available on client-side even before any code has been executed on page component.

Difference between fetch and asyncData

The key difference between these two is, that fetch() doesn't set component's local data, while asyncData() does.