Validate hook validates the parameter defined in dynamic routes.

We're simply checking the value of parameter against the users data in the code above.

If validate fails and returns false, it automagically redirects & displays an error page. As a result, don't forget to create a custom error page in layouts directory to make sure validate hook can finish its job as intended.

Although we don't have access to context.error in validate() hook, we can still get away with using custom error page.

This error page is nothing but a Vue component that is titled error.vue. And it receives error object as props. Here's an example.

// layouts/error.vue

  <section class="container">
    <h2 class="subtitle">
      {{ error.statusCode }} | {{ error.message }}

export default {
  props: ['error']

Keeping up with the order of lifecycle hooks, you can see the console message from validate() hook appear in the terminal right after all middleware.

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